Friday, April 5, 2013

The Third Caliph

Sayyadna UTHMAAN (RA)

Hazrat Uthmaan Bin Affaan was born after six years of the year of elephant. He was thirty four years old when Prophet (PBUH) got the revelation  Hazrat Uthmaan was from Banu Ummayad tribe, and no other  tribe was as respected as his was, except Bani Hashim.

Hazrat Uthmaan is among the first ones who accepted Islam, in fact he was the fourth  one. Hazrat Uthman was a very pious , polite, kind hearted, honest, and a man with total haya. When Prophet (PBUH) saw his strong Iman, his steadfastness in tauheed, his strong character, his haya and kind nature, he married his daughter Rukayyah to Hazrat Uthmaan. When the torture of Quraish people became intolerable, Prophet (PBUH) gave permission to the Muslims to migrate to Habsha (Ethiopia). They were eleven people, Hazrat Uthmaan and his wife were among them.Prophet (PBUH) said, "This couple is the first one after hazrat Loot, who migrated for the sake of Allah with their family.

After Habsha migration  Hazrat Uthmaan migrated to Medina with his wife, and during Battle of Badar, Hazrat Rukayyah got sick and later died. Hazrat Uthmaan was very sad for his wife's death,Prophet (PBUH) married his second daughter to him , and that's how he was known as ZUNOORAIN.


When Hazrat Umar (RA) became very sick, he nominated six people for Caliphate

1. Hazrat Uthmaan Bin Affan
2. Hazrat Ali Bin AbiTalib
3. Hazrat Abdur Rahman Bin Aouf
4. Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqaas
5. Hazrat Zubair Bin Al Awwam
6. Hazrat Talha Bin Abaidullah

Hazrat Abdurrahman chose hazrat Uthmaan as new Calif and and rest of sahabah followed him in accepting Hazrat Uthmaan as their Calif  Unlike other people , Hazrat Uthmaan was not happy  when he became Calif  because he knew the great responsibilities of caliphate very well. In his very first speech, after becoming Calif he said, "O people! You think that you are secured in your home, but this world is not going to last for ever, so try to do as many good deeds as you can, cause you don't know whether you are leaving in the morning or evening. Learn lesson from the past nations. Do not wish for this world, but ask for the life which is going to come".


After he became Calif  he instructed  his governors and administrators    to be kind with others. During Hazrat Uthmaan period Muslim dynasty was growing more bigger.When Hazrat Umar died Muslim army was engaged in a battle with Roman and Iranian empire, Hazrat Uthmaan carried from there and continue on spreading Muslim rule. During hazrat Uthmaan period, Iran, Rome, Egypt, Arminiya, Kabul, Yurky and borders of China  came under Muslims.


Naval Force

It was the first time in history that a naval force was formed, that played a very important role in getting so many victories for Muslims. 
Hazrat Uthmaan separated army from civil services , before him army came under civil administration.

The Beginning of Capitalism

As Muslim Ummah was spreading big and large, with that came wealth and people of different areas.People life style was becoming more lavish, even though Zakat distribution was still there but over all people were getting wealthy  which brought competition among them.

Compilation and Publication of the Qur'an

As Islam was spreading to far away places , as a result of that people were reading Qur'an in different dialects  Hazrat Uthmaan , with the help of four Sahabas formed a board , they were responsible to collect  the Qur'an from all Sahabah and then publish it in one dialect  Today we are obliged to hazrat Uthmaan, that all over the world Muslims read Qur'an in one same way.

Extension of Masjid Al-Haram and Masjid Al-Nabawi

Hazrat Uthmaan (RA) died on Friday 18 Zilhajah, when he was reading Qur'an . INNA LILLAH WA INNA ELAHI RAAJIOON. Hazrat Uthmaan said, "Four things are of no use; one to  get knowledge but never act upon it, second the wealth that is not spend in Allah sake, third the piety  through which you gain the praise of people and fourth, the long life which is not prepared for Akhirah." Hazrat Uthmaan used to say that he liked three things, feed the hungry people, provide clothes for poor people, and read Qur'an and teach others to read.

With the death of Hazrat Uthmaan, began the chapter of violence in the history of Muslim Ummah.

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