

Q1_What is the derivation of "Ramadan"?
Ramadan is derived from the Arabic word ar-ramad, meaning "parched thirst,"(the heating sensation in the stomach as a result of thirst. Ramadan scorches out the sins with the good deeds, as the sun burns the ground).
It is also the name of the ninth month of the lunar calendar.

Q2_ what is the Importance of Ramadan
·         it is the month in which the first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed by Allah  to Prophet Muhammad.
  • The month of Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic Calendar.
  • The Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed (S) during this Holy month.
  • In this month is the Night of Qadr, which is better than a thousand months.
  • Dua's are easily accepted.
·         Forgiveness of sins.
·         Supplications (Dua) is answered and freedom from the Fire is
  • Ramadan is a month of heightened devotion, a time that the doors of heaven are kept open, and the doors of hell are closed, and Satan is kept in chains.

Q3_Who celebrates Ramadan?
More than 1 billion Muslims worldwide celebrate Ramadan.

Q4_When is the occurance of Ramadan?

Ramadan starts at the beginning of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Islam observes a lunar calendar, based on when the crescent moon is first seen. The lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the solar calendar, and this year Ramadan begins in the 1st week of October 2005, inshallah.

Q5_How is Ramadan celebrated?
  • Muslims practice sawm, or fasting, during the entire month.
  • Five daily prayers and the recitation of the Taraweeh prayer, or Night prayer.
  • At mosques during Ramadan everyday, about one-thirtieth (1/30 th) of the Quran is recited in prayers called tarawih.


Q6_What does fasting mean?
      Fasting means to abstain from food and drink from dawn to sunset.

Q7_Explain the terms SAWM, SUHOOR, IFTAR.
Sawm = fasting, Suhoor = pre-dawn breakfast meal, Iftar = meal at the end of the fast at sunset.

Q8_Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?
  • Fasting is one of the Five Pillars (duties) of Islam. , Allah has made fasting compulsory so that we become pious.
  • Fasting has many physical, moral and social benefits.
  • To attain taqwa
  • Muslims, while they are hungry and thirsty, are reminded of the suffering of the poor.
  •  Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind.
·         A greater sense of generosity and forgiveness is also characteristic of this time.

Q9_At what age does fasting become a requirement for Muslims?
It starts at approximately age 12. Exceptions include men and women who are too old to fast or ill.

  • The Intention (Niyya)
  • Abstaining from the acts that break the fast

Q11_What are the Things that make both Qaza and Kaffarah wajib? 

Q12_What are the Things that do not break the fast?
1. To eat or drink something unintentionally. 
2. A mosquito, fly or any other object going down the throat unintentionally. 
3. Water entering the ears. 
4. Dust or dirt going down the throat. 
5. Swallowing one's OWN saliva. 
6. Taking an injection. 
7. Applying of Surma (kohl) into the eyes. 
8. Taking a bath to keep cool. 
9. Rubbing oil onto the body or hair. 
10. To vomit unintentionally. 
11. Applying Itr or perfume. It is NOT permitted to inhale the smoke of Lobaan or    Agarbatti whilst fasting. It is also NOT permitted to smoke cigarettes or inhale its smoke. 
12. Brushing the teeth without toothpaste or powder e.g. using a Miswaak, etc. 

Q13_Specify the People exempted from fasting in Ramadaan?
·         Sick people when their health is likely to be badly affected by fasting. They should make up the loss, a day for a day, when they recover after Ramadhaan. 
·         A Musafir (one who is undertaking a journey of more than 77 kms and does NOT intend staying more than 14 days at his destination).

·         The Insane person
·         If it is feared that hunger or thirst will lead to death, it is permitted to break one's fast. 

Q15_ What is the Fidya for fast?
          Compensation for missing or wrongly practicing necessary acts of worship. Fidya         usually takes the form of donating money, foodstuffs, or sacrificing an animal.         Contrast with Kaffara (making amends).

Q16_What are the eight duties in fast known as Sunnah (manners of fasting)?
·         To partake of Sehri or predawn meals. 
·         To break fast immediately after sunset. 
·         Te read Tarawih Salah at night. 
·         To feed the poor and hungry. 
·         To increase the reading of the Holy Quraan. 
·         To observe I’tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhaan. 
·         To break the fast with dates or water.
·         To abstain from backbiting, losing temper, lying, etc.

Q17_What are the Valid Reasons for Not Observing the Fast?
  • Being on a journey
  • Sickness
  • Risk of life
  • Jihad
  • Unconsciousness

Q18_What does the Quran say about Ramadan?

        The hadith, a collection of the sayings of Muhammad, recommends the following:
  • Study the Quran.
  • Come together for this purpose.
  • Check your memory of the Quran.
  • Increase your recitation of the Quran.
Q19_What are the benefits of fasting?
§   to feel compassion for the poor and underprivileged,
§   to build a sense of self-control, and
§   to purify the body and the soul.
§  To gain Taqwah.

Q20_ What is Lailat ul-Qadr?
·         Lailat ul-Qadr ("Night of Power") marks the anniversary of the night on which the Prophet Muhammad first began receiving revelations from God, through the angel Gabriel.
·         Lailatul-Qadr is better than a thousand months
·         It falls in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan: 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, (the five nights).

Q21_ What is the significance of the Last 10-Days of Ramadan?
Q22_How and when does Ramadan end?

Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid al-Fitr.

Q23_What is Zakat al Fitr?

Zakat al Fitr is an obligatory charity on every Muslim at the end of the month of Ramadan. The amout of Zakat al-Fitr is one Sa'a. Sa'a is a volume measure correspoding approximately to the volume of 5 lb of good wheat or money equal to one meal (5 dollars).

Q24_What are the Don’ts of Ramadhaan and at all times?

1. Don’t speak without purpose. 
2. Don’t be rude. 
3. Don’t be irritable. 
4. Don’t tell lies. 
5. Don’t backbite. 
6. Don’t argue or fight. 
7. Don’t be boastful and arrogant. 
8. Don’t swear. 
9. Don’t eat doubtful food. 
10. Don’t look at undesirable things. 
11. Don’t listen to objectionable speech. 
12. Don’t gossip. 
13. Don’t commit any sins.  


Q25_Name the Religious festivals and their significance?
Islam has two major religious celebrations.
§  The celebration occurs after the completion of Ramadan. This holiday is known as Eid al-Fitr (Festival of Breaking the Fast).
§  One of them, known as Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice), takes place during the time of the Hajj, or annual pilgrimage to the city of Makkah (in modern-day Saudi Arabia).

Q26_What is Eid al-Fitr?
After the end of Ramadan, a very festive and joyous holiday is celebrated by Muslims, known as Eid al-Fitr [eed ul fit-ur], the Festival of Breaking the Fast. On the day of the Eid, Muslims attend special congregational prayers in the morning, wearing their nicest clothes.
After the completion of prayers and a special sermon, Muslims rise to greet and hug one another, saying "Eid Mubarak," which means "Holiday Blessings."
Later on, Muslim families visit each other's homes, and have special meals together. Children are often rewarded with gifts, money, and sweets. Lights and other decorations mark the happy occasion.

Q27_What are the SUNNATS OF EID
  • To rise as early as possible (in fact much of this night should be spent in Ibaadat).
  • To make Ghusl.
  • To use the Miswaak.
  • To apply Itr (Halaal, non-alcoholic perfume).
  • To wear one's best clothes, ensuring that it conforms with Shariáh (sunnah dress).
  • To eat something sweet (such as dates) before departing for Eid Salaat.
  • To got to the 'Eid Gah' as early as possible.
  • To give 'Sadaqatul Fitr' before leaving for the Eid Gah.
  • To perform Eid Salaat on the 'Eid Gah' rather than the Masjid. There is no harm for aged and the sick to perform their Eid Salaat in the Masjid. Rain is also an excuse for performing Eid Salaat in the Masjid.
  • To choose a separate route when returning from the Eid Gah.
  • To walk to the Eid Gah. However, there is no harm in using any means of conveyance if the Eid Gah is a distance away.
§  To recite the Takbeer while walking to the Eid Gah.

Q28_What is EID SALAT?
The Eid salat consists of two Rakats. The salat should be performed with Jama’at with an additional 6 Takbirs.

When we Muslims go to Eid salat, we take one road and when we come back we take a different road. It is Sunnat of our beloved Prophet (Sall Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and if it is possible to go in the mosque by foot.
We should say this Takhbir while going and comming back from Eid salat:
"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Illahu Wallahu Akbar wa Lillahil Hamd."


Questions asked in general discussion:
·         If you were to fast for one day, what would you miss the most? Why?
·         Is it possible to change one's habits by fasting? (Example: eating junk food)
·         Remind your parents for Zakat al Fitr.
·         Explain to the children: Wajib, Zakat ul Fitr, Qaza, Takhbir, Ghusul, Miswaak, fidya, kaffarah, I’takaf.

Ramadhan Duas

Intent (Niyah) to keep fast
Dua - Intent to keep fast
Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan

When Breaking Fast
Dua - Prayer to break fast]
Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa 'ala rizq-ika aftarthu

Allâhumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa f’afu anni.
O Allah, You are Oft-forgiving, You love forgiving, so forgive me.(Tirmidhi)

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